Author Guidelines
The Journal of Sustainable Development Issues (JSDI) welcomes original, unpublished research articles, reviews, case studies, and other types of manuscripts that contribute to the understanding of sustainable development issues. The journal also encourages interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research that integrates different perspectives and approaches to sustainable development.
Submission procedure
Typically, manuscripts are submitted via the Journal's online submission system ( Authors can submit their manuscripts via Journal’s email ([email protected]) if any technical issue arises. Please use the Journal's email address for further correspondence.
File format
Please upload Word files such as .doc or .docx, not as pdf.
Only English-language manuscripts are accepted by the journal.
Manuscript length
The Journal accepts manuscripts in short (7-10 pages) and long formats (up to 25 pages). Manuscripts exceeding this limit should make a convincing argument.
Manuscript structure
Manuscripts submitted for publication should include a title page, an introduction, the main text, and a conclusion. The title page should include “Title of the Manuscript,”, “Authors and affiliations”, “Abstract (100-250 words)”, “Keywords (5-7 single words or phrases)”, and 2-4 JEL Classifications codes. “Introduction” should start on a new page. There is no constraint on the structure of the main text.
The first level heading is all capitalized in bold (Example: 3. ECONOMETRIC METHODOLOGY AND DATA). The second level heading is bold italic (Example: 3.1. Functional Specification and Data). The third level heading is only italic. (Example: 3.1.1. Unit root and cointegration tests).
Formatting guidelines
Manuscripts should be submitted as a Word document, single-spaced, and with footnotes (not endnotes). Page margins: top -2.5 cm, bottom -2.5 cm, left -2.5 cm, right -2.5 cm. Paragraph spacing: 6 pt (before), 0 pt (after). Each page, figure, table, and equation should be continuously numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …).
Intext citation
The Journal follows APA Style Referencing:
- For single-author references, use the last name and the publication year: Mukhtarov (2022) or (Mukhtarov, 2021:215), (Mukhtarov, 2021).
- For two-author references, use last names and the publication year: Hasanov and Mikayilov (2021) or (Hasanov and Mikayilov, 2021).
- For three-author references, use the last name of the first author + et al., and the publication year for the second citation and further: Mukhtarov et al. (2022) or (Mukhtarov et al., 2022).
- For references by four or more authors, use the last name of only the first author + et al. and the publication year: Hasanov et al. (2022) or (Hasanov et al., 2022).
- If authorship belongs to an organization, use the organization’s name and the publication year: World Bank (2023) or (World Bank, 2022).
- If multiple studies are cited simultaneously, use “ ; ” to separate: (Mukhtarov, 2012; Mikayilov, 2013).
- Use “…” for the direct quotations (should be no longer than 40 words).
Reference list
The Journal follows APA Style Referencing:
Books: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.
- Frey, B. S. (2010). Happiness: A revolution in economics. MIT Press.
Book chapters: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of the chapter. In the title of the book (pages). Publisher.
- Mukhtarov, S., & Aliyev, J. (2021). The Relationship between Financial Innovation and Economic Growth: An Evidence from Azerbaijan. In Strategic Outlook in Business and Finance Innovation: Multidimensional Policies for Emerging Economies.(pp. 207-217). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Journal articles: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages.
- Mukhtarov, S., Karacan, R., Aliyev, F., & Ismayilov, V. (2022). The Effect of Financial Development on Energy Consumption: Evidence from Russia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(1), 243–249.
- Mukhtarov, S., Yüksel, S., & Dinçer, H. (2022). The impact of financial development on renewable energy consumption: Evidence from Turkey. Renewable Energy, 187 169-176.
Internet sources: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of resource. URL. (Accession date).
- Yelp, (2022). Yelp Metrics as of March 31, 2022. (Accessed 20.05.2022)
- Huang, Y., Lin, C., Wang, P., & Xu, Z. (2020). Saving China from the coronavirus and economic meltdown: Experiences and lessons. (Accessed 28.07.2022).
Review process
The Editor reviews all manuscripts for relevance and formatting requirements. After, manuscripts are sent for blind peer-review to 2-4 anonymous reviewers. Considering the comments of the anonymous reviewer(s), the Editor can decide to publish the manuscript without changes, publish after revisions requested by reviewers, or reject the manuscript. The review process typically takes two or three months.
Publication fee
The publication fee for each accepted article is $250 USD, which is not refundable. There is no additional cost. This publication fee is to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management. All articles submitted until 2028 are exempt from publication costs.
Transfer of copyright
The authors agree that the copyright for the submitted article is transferred to the publisher if the manuscript is accepted for publication. The following license will apply to the article: CC-BY-NC-ND.
Papers that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the authors by the Editorial Assistant.